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Containerization in Cargo Shipping

Containerization In Cargo Shipping
  • 29th July 2020

What does containerization entail an inquisitive mind would wonder! Well, this is a system of standardized freight transport that uses shipping containers that meet the ISO set conditions. The standardized containers can be loaded and unloaded or even stacked efficiently across a global network of freight forwarders. The set standard ISO container measurements are forty feet in length and eight feet in height. According to a study conducted by the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) depicted that adoption and implementation of the set ISO standards of containerization across ports had increased by 1.8% with volumes estimating up to 677.3 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs). The convenience of containerization include:

a) Connected /bugged containers

Standardization of containers has allowed real-time tracking of goods, especially goods which are to be transported to their destination under special pre-existing conditions. Many freight forwarding and logistic firms including Siggol Logistics are at the forefront to test the IoT enabled and standardized modular containers. Within five to ten years models of smart and modular standardized containers will be moving across largely linked network lanes and distribution networks which will be ensuring the quality of goods and reducing losses and demurrage.

b) Allows a variety of goods to be transported in standardized dimensions.

Implementation of set ISO standards in containerization has ensured consistency of equipment used in warehousing yards, loading, and unloading gantry and storage. Consequentially loading and unloading of goods demands less time and smaller allocation of labor and therefore a reduced cost in trading.

c) Smart containerization has been an operational hinge towards efficient international trade

Prior containerization goods were transported loosely in boxes of varying sizes, this attributed to the loss of goods and demand of more time to sort through the good especially during offloading leading to a negative impression of the freight forwarder to the customer and up soaring of insurance claims. However, the advent of this innovation security of goods has been ensured because once sealed it’s a physical barrier against mishandling and theft, and claims of insurance of lost goods have been minimal.

Innovation in containerization is essentially to keep up with speed, scale and complexity faced in freight forwarding and logistics and to handle the ever-rising single shipping volumes which are generated by e-commerce .as urban logistics grow, without hesitation we at Siggol are at the forefront to give our esteemed customers the best services and be in the loop with the evolving logistics world.

For more information and inquiries, kindly get in touch with us; |+254 726 043 791 |+254 719 280 351

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