Best Clearing & forwarding Company Kenya

Electronic Cargo Tracking E-Seals

Electronic Cargo Tracking E-seals
  • 19th June 2020

On a gazette notice dated on 13/03/2020, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) notified importers, Transporters, Customs Clearing Agents and other interested parties on the new control and safety system of the transit cargo passing through port of Mombasa:

a) All containerized Transit Cargo and SCT (Single Customs Territory) released cargo from port, and Excisable Goods will be tracked under the new Regional Electronic Cargo Tracking System (RECTS) E-Seals with effect from the publication date.
b) All Petroleum and Ethanol Tankers conveying transit and SCT cargo MUST be fitted with a RECTS E-Fuel seal by end of June 2020.

As a prerequisite, the eligible transporters MUST have a valid Transit Goods License (TGL) which can be obtained directly from KRA’s Licensing office.

N/B: Provisions of the East Africa Community Customs Management Act 2001 will be applicable in the event any loss/damage of assigned seal(s).
Should you need any further information regarding this new regulation, kindly let us know?


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